Thursday 15 November 2012

Thursday 8 November 2012

  • The man is sleeping in the tent with a large duvet over him
  • There is sounds of him sleeping and there is an axe next to where he is sleeping, suggesting that he is hunting something.
  • He wakes up normally, stretches and looks around.
  • He then hears a sound which is coming from the trap he has set outside and he throws off the duvet
  • The man unzips the tent to view the trap he has set out
  • Shot of the trap consisting of all the strings and one of them vibrating signalling there is something there
  • Shot from outside the tent, his shadow being shown and we can see him picking up the axe
  • He unzips the tent, close up of the tent zip
  • As he stands up with the axe in his hand there will be a close up of his face showing facial scars and an odd eye (different colour) indicating he has been attacked by something
  • He slowly approaches the door the bang from the door getting louder
  • Close up of the mans face showing fear as he walks towards to the door
  • Long shot of him walking towards the door
  • Over the shoulder shot

Tuesday 6 November 2012

The idea

Our idea so far...
  • Sound occurs and sturs the character who is asleep in the tent.
  • explores around the his tent and each differnt pods/sections they are set up as differnt rooms like an office, kitchen etc
  • pictures of the person he is hiding from or hunting stuck on the inside of the tent (black and white).
  • then unzip the tent and see that you are in a massive hallway
  • lots of strings everywhere more pictures on the floor.
  • floow a string that is moving and it is between a big get of front doors and open the door slowly and then finish.
We discussed the main details of the main chacacter:
  • wearing convict suit
  • one eye differnt colour
  • beard
  • axe
  • middle aged