Tuesday 26 February 2013

Editing the sound

Before we added any sound. We had to go through the whole video and see if there was a few seconds of just silence, which we could copy throughout the video. We did this by on the shoot day we recorded a track of complete silence. We then added the sound. We didn’t include a sound track, but we used soundtrack pro to create the wind sounds and use the effects such as the reverb and delay making the background sound more creepy and eerie.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Editing the titles

We then chose the places where we wanted the titles to go, this was often where the largest empty space was. We used motion tracker, which ensured that the movement of the string was the same as the movement of the title. We then attached some of the titles to the strings, these where the movement strings and we decided how long we wanted the title to be there. On the fade to focus shots, we also made the titles fade and then focus, to give the idea that the names were attached to the strings.

Friday 8 February 2013

Media Shoot day video of the making

Further editing final product

 During this editing session we focused of editing the action inside of the tent and then the man coming out of the tent. We edited the shots together following the order we had decided and making sure to cut the shots on the movement to make sure the editing was smooth.

When we began editing the strings together we cut the movement string shots so that the strings stopped in both of the ends of the screen and we edited a movement shot into a still shot. Some of the still shots contained a fade, which turned into a focus.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Picture order shoot before filming

 Before the thriller shoot i took some pictures to give myself an idea of the order the shotts were going to go in and to see if they would look good together.
1) Shot of the string and can

 2) shot of the bell
3) The man is alseep

 4) The man has been disturbed by a sound, thinks he has heard something
 5) The man thinks nothing of it and goes back to sleep

 7) the man sits up
 8) the man unzips the tent and gets out

 10) the man picks up the axe and follows the moving string

 12) the man reaches the door and puts out his arm to open the door

 13) about to touch the handle and the door handle creaks and moves, making the man pull his hand back

Saturday 2 February 2013

Editing our thriller

Today was the first day we started editing our many different shots which we shot on our shoot day.
First we went through all the shots and selected all the good shots and we created a folder called the bin and added them there.

Once we found all the good shots we then discussed the order, but because we couldn't decide the beginning shot yet we decided to put in order the string shots. To cut the shots to the correct sizing we wanted you presses the 'I' button at the beginning and the 'O' button at the end and then dragged it into the free space below. We decided to put some of the moving shots next to the still shots containing the credits so then we could edit them together with a jazzy edit to dissolve into the next credits being shown in the future lessons.

Friday 1 February 2013

Evaluation of Shoot Day

The morning of the shoot day and the sun was shining which was perfect and would create the morning light we needed and want in order to light up the hallway and the tent.

The day before our shoot began i collecting some tin cans such as bake bin cans and energy drinks so that we could place them around the tent to show he has been hiding for a while now.

Before we could start shooting we had to set up the tent and attach the strings with the different cans on them, we had to bear in mind that the boarding house we were using had some workers such as cleaners in it so we made sure that the hallway was still assessable for them. To do this we used one corner of the hallway and attached the strings there and focused the string shots in that corner.

Also before we started shooting we had to move the 3 sofas to other rooms to make the hal way assessable for the tent to be set up.

We also decided to board up the windows because this suggested that character is hiding from something outside. We didnt intent to do this because we needed the morning light effect, but to incorporate this into our work made some holded in the boarded wood and left a few gaps where the morning sun light could beam through. This was effective because it created different shaded on the tent and around the room. I feel that we managed to create the set to which met up to the groups expectations.

The group took different roles to set up; myself and gil set up the tent and attached the strings which mima cut. Owen prepared the cans and also helped attached the cans to the strings. We each took turn in being the camera man and directing each of the different shots. We also took turns in doing the lighting by holding a portable light at an angle to great extra light when the sun started going down and we also held the sound poof so that we could capture the sound we needed such as the door handle turning and the rummaging in the tent.

we used red heads and blondes to create the extra lighting.

I think that i was good at giving more possible ideas and ways which could improve the following shots we were discussing. Also i feel that i was good at the opening shots when we followed the strings.

On the shoot day at the beginning before we started shooting the shots we noticed there was too much light coming in through the windows, to solve this we boarded parts of the windows up with wooden board, black bin bag and tracing paper. Also when we filmed the shots inside the tents it was fiddly because we had to have the tripod standing over Adam (the main character) and this allowed us to get the shots of when he opening his eyes and went back to sleep. However, when we tried shooting the shots when he sat up the camera was too big for the tent and didn't work. To solve this we cut a hole in the back of the tent, which allowed us to shoot an over the shoulder shot of Adam sitting up and getting out of the tent.

I think that the beginning of the shoot was the most successful because when we filmed the shots it was really abstract and 3D t see all the strings overlapping each other at different angles. It also doesn't give away that the tent is in a hallway which is effective. I also feel that the shots when the door handle was moving was very eerie and creepy which makes the thriller more tense.

personally i feel that we could have done some more shots to ensure that when it comes to editing we have everything that we need to create a good finishing piece.

I am looking forward to seeing the way we edit the different string shots together, which also include the credits because i feel we can experiment with using different jumpy effects which would make our thriller more eye catching.

I feel that our production group worked well together and when we taking turn being on the camera the others listened and were helpful to each other. I learn't that if you take one shot from one position that you try and take all the other shots from that position this is because on a real film set the camera is to big to move it all the time.