Thursday 13 March 2014

Final CD Digipack design

This is the final CD digipak for out band 'Wonderland' for the music genre of indie rock.

Website information

Wonderland website from francescasummers4


The time lapse shows us building the different scenes throughout the day of our shoot day. It also shows the different shots which we shot.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Evaluation Task 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

By using digital media technologies I have used technological convergence to ensure that I have produced three products as a part of a successful campaign.  My use of social network sites such at YouTube has enabled me to become a prosumer, a creator of media products to a near professional standard.  The use of Final cut pro as a piece of editing software has taught me how to select and organise a music video to a very high standard using semi-professional  media equipment.  I have also been able to share ideas and research global and industry standard products.  Digital technology has made available to me opportunities to upload, share and distribute my products using You tube as a free online broadcast platform.  It is also interactive which allows audiences to feedback for example by adding a 'like' and comment on my products giving their views. These new skills learned on this course have enabled to gain experience not only as a user of digital technology, but also to also become a producer.

Technologies used in Pre-production and Post-production

In the Pre-Production I used a variety of different media technologies that enabled me to prepare for the music video.

I used the Internet as a research and planning tool in the preparation of the music video; search engines such as Google enable me to research our target audience, others bands within the indie rock genre and other music videos which influenced the ideas towards our final concept. YouTube allowed me to further research the band’s music videos again allowing me to see the similar bands videos and to listen to songs with similar lyrics. This allowed us to finalise our concept and gave us further ideas for the mis-en-scene and props in our video.
I use mobile phone technology to upload pictures of the studio on to our blog so we were able to further plan the set design and work with the space given. This also enabled us to record our progress and planning. I used my Iphone to digitally record several shots from the shot day of the make up being done, the different stages of making the scenes and taking shots of myself filming during the day, this technology allowed me to personally upload my thoughts and views, posting this of eBlogger and enabling me to have a visual digital record of my planning progress. Using my phone I was also able to take pictures of group work that we were doing on paper and post a digital copy eg set designs and mind maps.

Additionally in the pre-production process I created a shot by shot animatic storyboard where I used Final Cut Pro software to piece together my animation and all the shots

In the post production I designed and made a CD digipak cover using photoshop; here I learned about layering photos and using effects to enhance colour and merge to different pictures together to create a unique affect. Overall the software Photoshop helped my manipulate images to suit the style of the package promotion desire my the band to match their overall star imagine.

Furthermore, during post production I used presentational software such as Prezi, Microsoft PowerPoint, Scribd, slideshare and Sliderocket to improve and make my progress of work look more professional and readable on  eBlogger in order to convey a successful media campaign.