Fristly we learnt how to set out the tripod; by spreading its legs, locking the differnt parts of the tripod together, atatching the handle and holding a black button down and sliding the camera on. To make sure the camera is straight we bubbled the camera, which is by making the bubble centrual in the middle of a lime green circle. Then we were given the battery and were told how to incert the battery insuring that a 'click' sound was made.
Then we were instructed to turn the sony nx5 camera on, by pressing the red button and turning it left.
Matt the media technician then explained and showed me how to white balance; this made sure that the picture being filmed was the correct colour and stopped the skin colour appearing orangey. By showing the camera the colour white, the camera is then able to gadge other colors.
We were also taught how to increase and decrease the zoom and how to focus the shot.We zoomed in and then focused and then zoomed out, which allowed a clearer picture and shot.
We were also told some information about the camera and about the numbers which come up on the scream when you start filming. The time code shows the camera perosn how long long you have been filming for, that the original amount of pixials should be 50 if any higher would make the camera a
have a smudgy effect.
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