Thursday 13 September 2012

Camera Lesson 2 - learning how to flim

During this lesson, we implied our knowledge of setting up the Sony nx5 camera and incorporated our knowledge on the different shots we learned during our 3 classroom session, this included doing a wide shot which captivated and allowed the scene to be set, big close up which is usually used to show emotion and a point of view shot which provides the audience with the perspective from a particular characters point of view.

Before taking the shots the media technician explained the proceedures which took place before starting the shots and we implied this too our work. Everyone on the set said 'standby' which tells the producer that they are ready, then the deputy director says turning the camera over and rolling, which tells everyone the shot is about to start and then the dirctor sayd 'action' starting the filming has started.

While practicng filming our sequence of shots we leanred that between tolling the camera over and action the camera person had to leave a gap of just the wiode shot with no character, this is so that the shots can be cut together ans smoothly without the differnt shots stopping and starting again. We also practiced angling the camera to give a differnt effect; this includes lower the camera.

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