Wednesday 26 September 2012

Sound Analysis Kill Bill vol 1, Scene- Beatrix Buried

The clip starts with solemn music which suggests revenge, also the background music portrays the ideas of cowboys and sets the scene as a western style as the characters are presented in a western style with cowboy hats and cowboy boots.

The sound of the nails being hammered into the wooden coffin is loud and exaggerates the fact that she cant get out and how she is locked in. The sound of the wood being punchered into the coffin suggests the idea that it is impossible to get and also creates the ideas that she is going to suffer and die in the wooden coffin

The repetition of the nails being hammered into the boxes portrays the thoughts of her being trapped, it also heightens the fact that she is trapped because it exaggerates the eco of the hammering which gives the effect that the audience is also trapped.

There is a muffled sound of debree being focused on. The muffled effect allows the audience to experience what the same as the character in the scene, this allows the audience to feel and connect with the characters emotions. Furthermore, the close up shot shown on the left allows the character to be aware of the emotions the character is experiencing  

The sound of the trapped character struggling is then followed with a silence and then followed by a louder final blow of mud and debree; the fact that the screen is pitched black while this is happening allows the audience to focus on the sounds and this portrays how terrified the woman. The scream for help is heightened with the fact that this screen is pitch black because the audience isn’t expecting it. Also by using a black out shot it presents what the character is seeing and the audience can connect emotionally with the character

The ending part of this scene involves the sound of laughter from outside of the coffin. This allows the audience to feel sympathy for the woman trapped. There is also creaking of wood which suggests pain and suffering.



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