Friday 12 October 2012

My first initial 4 opening scene ideas for a thriller

  1. There is a funeral which is set in a graveyard (with several graves) there would be a flash back of what has happened, tragic accident of somebody drowning in a swimming pool. The flash back involves a party which has gone wrong, intruders? The funeral would fade into a black-out and then the party scene which goes completely wrong. By using the flashbacks it creates a disjointed feel.
  2. or another angle involving the drowning idea is: the opening scene could start with someone floating in the swimming pool and slowly bring the lights up to reveal a body in the swimming pool and then fade out. Then a cose up of some part of the body and the second part would be a flash back of the party and then continue to follow the story and then end with the body flating in the swimming pool.
  3. Duiga board. The board with the alphabet and yes and no stages with a glass in the middle, surrounded with a group of people in a room. The spirits would move the glass. Flash back? The lighting would be dim and a male character would mess around moving the glass and the scared girls would be saying 'stop moving it, stop moving it' and then the boy goes 'im not, its moving on its own.'
  4. Family/friends watching the TV and a power cut occur. People being tortured, the scream could be flashing and then screen is focused on the suspect being tortured. Foot prints going up the stairs. Blood on the walls? errie feel. People outside trying to break in, the people in side being held as hostage. The telephone wire been cut so they cant phone for help.

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