Friday 12 October 2012

The First pitching of our ideas:

The First pitching of our ideas:

During our lesson we had a discussion about two main ideas and discussed the ideas, by drawing out the positives and highlighting the negatives.

Idea 1 – D of E

Start inside the tent, point of view shot, teacher drugged so the vision blurry. Vandalised shot of the campsite. Running into the forest. Stumbling and vision slightly blurred. Handheld camera. Flash back of the children happy around the campfire, this contrasts with the feelings the teacher is experiencing; scared and anxious. Blurred shot of the lake and then focus on dead kids floating. Close up reaction shot of the teachers expressions. Pan shot and sees a person hanging in the corner.

 This was our strongest idea, Matt and Adam the media teachers and we all decided that our theme would come under the title as abandonment. Both Matt and Adam divided the ideas into two groups the ideas which were workable and the ideas which weren’t.  Firstly, we all agreed on the idea opening with the tent as a great start to an opening thriller because it allows anything to follow, you could go to sleep in a tent in the forest, but wake up in a living room. Also the drugged teacher with the blurred in focused shots we agreed would be affective. Secondly we discussed the ideas which were pointed out to us by the media teachers as being hard to do. The idea with the floating bodies in the lake, would not be appropriate and would be hard to film because the filming would take place in February, which means the weather conditions may not be suitable for people to be in a lake. We also discussed the fact that we need more thought on the ending of the scene.

Idea 2 – baby sitter

Starts with a toddler/young girl sitting at the kitchen table playing with paint and finger painting, while teenage baby sitter watching TV. Then a power cut happens (blackout ) and the tv fusses out/ babysitter goes up stairs to sort out the electricity and tells the girl to stay down stairs. Still the screen is blacked out and shot of the kitchen table is shown when electricity is on but the girl is no longer there. There are finger prints and smudges on the wall which is being followed with a torch light from the baby sitter and the hand prints lead the teenager to the bathroom and she looks in the mirror  and sees the child’s reflection in the mirror with a messed up place.

Adam and Matt liked the ideas of the fingerprints on the walls following the playing with the paint at the beginning. However, we discussed the idea of the girls face as a reflection in the mirror as being a not so strong idea and cliché.

During the end of the meeting we talked about thinking of some more ideas, but with the beginning on the scene starting with the tent.

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