Sunday 9 December 2012

Waking up scene- The Matrix

Focusing on the waking up scene of our thriller i began by using youtube to explore many different variations and typed in 'films containing waking up scenes' which gave some examples and one which also portrays the ideas of isolation and loneliness.

i like how the director has chosen to play the background music and has the character asleep with headphones because it suggested to the audience that, the music which is playing is the music the character is listening to through the ear phones of the sleeping character and this makes the character unaware of what is happening because he is asleep and this is ironic because the audience can see the screen changing. Also the fact that he is listening to music shows that he is no longer concentrating and that he is asleep and distracted by the music he is listening to

I also like the different angles which expose the character waking up and the long screen time of the character blinking shows that he has just woken up and makes it more realistic, i would like to incorporate this amount of editing and concentration on the waking up scene because i feel it is important to capture the emotions and reactions of the person waking up.

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