Tuesday 4 December 2012

Thriller props

Thriller props

For props we need items and other things to make the inside of our setting look like there has been sort of apocalypse these may include:

- Big boxes of simple and cheap food like soup.
-Messy empty boxes- no idea of cleanness
-Messy toiletries.
-Debri - shows he has been there for years

We also need props to develop the character of our character and things he does such as the trap, for this we need:
-Axe (rusty axe to make the impresion that the man has been hiding out for years)
-White/Blue contact lense.
-Strings. (light brown string- shows that it is a man made trap)
-Bell. small bells
-Cans. (squished cans shows he is messy and if there a lots on the floor again shows he has been there for a while.
-mini flood light

Clothes for the man actor
-Dark coloured trackies (navy blue)
-Grey hoodie with hood
-Big black leather boots

this light might be used to create a early morning effect because the hall we have chosen has limiting light and we would have to have added light to make the shots look more realsistic in the morning.

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