Monday 10 December 2012

28 days later

This shot is used to show that the end of the world is coming, because the fact that a motorway in England is not busy and only has one car on it is ridicules and wont happen, unless a disaster has happened.
London is one of the busiest places in the world and the picture above shows that there isnt a person insight.

The city centre is desserted and there is an abandoned car, once again showing something isnt right.

Sunday 9 December 2012

Waking up scene- The Matrix

Focusing on the waking up scene of our thriller i began by using youtube to explore many different variations and typed in 'films containing waking up scenes' which gave some examples and one which also portrays the ideas of isolation and loneliness.

i like how the director has chosen to play the background music and has the character asleep with headphones because it suggested to the audience that, the music which is playing is the music the character is listening to through the ear phones of the sleeping character and this makes the character unaware of what is happening because he is asleep and this is ironic because the audience can see the screen changing. Also the fact that he is listening to music shows that he is no longer concentrating and that he is asleep and distracted by the music he is listening to

I also like the different angles which expose the character waking up and the long screen time of the character blinking shows that he has just woken up and makes it more realistic, i would like to incorporate this amount of editing and concentration on the waking up scene because i feel it is important to capture the emotions and reactions of the person waking up.

Saturday 8 December 2012

I am legend

The opening scene of 'i am legend' begins with an over the shoulder shot which suggests to the audience who the main character is and who they should be following, the over the shoulder shot is also used by the director because it creates the sense that the main character is hiding from someone or something and this is an idea which my group would like to portray in our opening thriller sequence.

The directors use of the establishing shot is used to show the audience audience how empty and... the city is and heightens the idea of lonliness and isolation. The birds eye view shot shown above again shows how deserted the city is because of a end of the world desarster.

The fact that he responses to his alarm on his clock suggests that he is hiding from something or the end of the world?

I like this font for the title because the use of capital letters highlights how bold and brave the character is to being the only person left and this also connects with my groups idea of the man in the tent.
Also the face that the letters are presented in a 3D effect it suggests that this man is different and should be respected.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Plot narrative

The thriller opens with different angled shots of the string from the trap and then the credits appear parallel to the string. A bell from a part of the trap is moving slowly which makes the man stir and wake up. The sound of the bell is misjudging and the man thinks nothing of the sound and goes back to sleep. The sound of the bells returns but louder causing the man to wake up and the fact that he dismissed the first sound of the bells makes the character feel guilt and anger. The man then leaves the tent and looks around for where the heightened sound is coming from and the sound is increasing and then he gets his axe, holds onto the string which is moving lots and follows his hands along until he knows the exact point where the sound is coming from, which is the string between the doors, he looks up and slowly moves towards the door, and when he gets to the door there is a massive banging noise which then goes silent and a massive bang noise occurs behind the door and then the screen goes black.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Thriller props

Thriller props

For props we need items and other things to make the inside of our setting look like there has been sort of apocalypse these may include:

- Big boxes of simple and cheap food like soup.
-Messy empty boxes- no idea of cleanness
-Messy toiletries.
-Debri - shows he has been there for years

We also need props to develop the character of our character and things he does such as the trap, for this we need:
-Axe (rusty axe to make the impresion that the man has been hiding out for years)
-White/Blue contact lense.
-Strings. (light brown string- shows that it is a man made trap)
-Bell. small bells
-Cans. (squished cans shows he is messy and if there a lots on the floor again shows he has been there for a while.
-mini flood light

Clothes for the man actor
-Dark coloured trackies (navy blue)
-Grey hoodie with hood
-Big black leather boots

this light might be used to create a early morning effect because the hall we have chosen has limiting light and we would have to have added light to make the shots look more realsistic in the morning.


We have decided the location of our thriller shoot to be in ewhurst place, a boarding house which consists of a reasonably sized hallway with a big door.

We were inspired to use a hallway because it is not an ordinary place for a tent to be and allows the end of the world idea to be expressed.

When we were looking for an ideal setting we have to make sure it was sutiable size to be able to fit a tent in and be surrounded with a series of strings. The door also has a very old perspective which conveys the idea that the house old and also links wit the idea that the owner is hiding.

This is the only example so far, however my group and i feel this is a god setting for our thriller to be set in.