Thursday 31 January 2013

Official Timetable from the shoot day

9:00-9:10- drive to Bwebb

9:10-10:45- setting up tent, string and props

9:45-11:30- setting up camera, lighting and boarding up windows

11:30-1:00- filming opening title scenes of strings, bells and cans

1:00-2:30- lunch and drive back to Bwebb

2:30-4:00- filming outside tent scenes with adam and door

4:00-5:30- filming all shots inside tent

5:30-5:45- packing up props, lighting and camera

Tuesday 29 January 2013

New shooting sceduale

8:50 - drive to Bwebb

9:00-10:00 - unpacking, setting up tent and string

10:00-11:00 - filming first few shots which will have the titles shown over the shots

11:00-1:00 - film all shots with adam(main character), axe shots, walking over trap and approaching the door to hear the bang

Reschedualed shoot day

Our shot hads been reschedualled to tomorrow 30th of january 2013.

We are organised and have all the probs we need in order to make our thiller a success.

Friday 25 January 2013

Change of plan

Unfortunately due to the weather conditions we had to cancel our shooting date which was supposed to be on the 18th of January. This has put us at a disadvantage because we have less time to edit out various thriller shots

Costume and Main Character


Because our thriller idea is the end of the world sanario and the main character is in hiding, my group and i thought it would be appropriate to dress him in relaxed clothing such as:

A grey hoodie

Grey trackies

Timbaland shoes

The clothes such as these represent the fact that the man has been waiting and in hiding for a long time and making himself more at home because he cant leave his house.

Main character



Target Audience

Discussing our target group:
- The age restriction

Because our task is to make a thriller it is clear to say that the target group won't be for young children and familys.

Our target group is going to be a 15 because then it is appropriate for teenagers and adults which watch and enjoy thrillers such as the end of the world

Thursday 10 January 2013

Filming day schedule

9.30 - 10.00 - unpacking props, costumes etc.
(Arriving and getting evrything organised)

10.00 - 11.00 - setting up all strings tent make up props etc. (Making the set and putting everything in place)

11.00 - 1.00 filming
(Filming the first few shots which the titles will be shown over and the shots in the tent)

1.00 - 2.00 Lunch

2.00 - 5.30 Filming
(Filming the shots of him getting out the tent, grabbing the axe, walking over the trap and approaching the door to hear the bang)

5.30 - 6.00 Packing up and clearing up
(Pack everything up and clean up)

Changing of location

By filming a rough shoot allowed my group and i to notice that Ewurst place entrance was not the right location to film our thriller in because the entrance is too small and doesn’t consist of any hooks are pipes which we can tie many strings too, this therefore doesn’t make this a suitable location. Also the chosen location doesn’t have an suitable light source which when we filmed our rough practice resulted in there being not enough light inside the tent, which didn’t fit our criteria which was morning light, however we can use some artificial light on the filming day.

Another possible room in Ewhurt Place was the living room which was a well lit room consisting of 3 big windows and a large area of space which will allow many strings to be set up which is better because it will create a spiders web effect. This location consists of a even larger door than the entrance which is good because it creates the idea of a old mansion.

We also looked around Cornhill Manor another boarding house and found a possible location which consists of 2 big windows, which would provide the morning natural light and a old fashion fire place, which gives an old run down feel. We feel that Cornhill is a more appropriate location for our thriller.

String ideas

The initial idea of the string trap came from the end of the world idea. The end of the world idea implied the idea that the man was hiding from something and for him to be able to survive he had build a trap to protect the man from what he is hiding from, which would be some sort of possessed animals.

The ideas for the trap:
The trap had to have some sort of sound or trigger attached to send a signal to the man that action was imminent.
The trap would consist of string or a laser beam.

The sound trigger we decided to use is bells because this could suggest an older generation or a newer generation. Also if the bells are slightly rusty it creates the idea that the man has been in hiding for a long time.

We decided to use string instead of laser beams because laser beams are very high tech which suggests the future generations. Also by using a laser beam would be quite challenging to shoot and would be expensive to buy many to create a spider web effect which we are looking to create. The string is a good choice because is it easy to set up as we will have many different lengths coming off from the tent. The string also allows us to attach the bells where as the laser beam wouldn’t be able to attach this sound trigger.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Opening shots ideas

Initially the opening idea would begin with the actors point of view which would show the audience the inside of the tent and then the camera would fade and black out, which creates a blinking effect which gives the idea that something has disturbed the man, however the audience isn't shown what is making the noise, which creates a mysterious opening.

However, whilst discussing other shots and ideas in class we came up with a more visually dramatic opening idea. We would follow the strings in different directions and then we would present the credits parallel to the string. The reason we thought this was a good opening was because it allows the audience to be aware of what is outside of the tent, rather than just starting straight inside the tent. We will still use the first idea above but will put it in after the following the strings and credits.


Because the filming of our thriller takes place in a hall, firstly i carried out some research on the different types of halls we could use. To gather some examples i used the internet and typed in relevant words which linked with our initial idea, words such as apocalypse, end of the world, run down, evacuation, isolation and emptiness.

By looking at different examples of halls it helped us establish the kind of hall we want our thriller to take place in.

Spidermans Opening credits

I liked this example because the spider webs replicate the trap which appears in our end of the world thriller. The strings used through out the opening credits also relate to the strings which we are using throughout our thriller.

Also when the credits of the actors and producers begin to appear in the back ground there are some enlarged sections of a spiders web which is effective, however in our thriller we want to do a similar thing but we want to follow the string trap down, which gives hints to the audience but doesnt give the whole idea away.

I also think it is effective how the editor has presented the background as a red and the spiders webs strings in a black, therefore making the web stand out more and become more eye catching. Furthermore, the colours he has chosen, links directly with spidermans costume.