Thursday 10 January 2013

Changing of location

By filming a rough shoot allowed my group and i to notice that Ewurst place entrance was not the right location to film our thriller in because the entrance is too small and doesn’t consist of any hooks are pipes which we can tie many strings too, this therefore doesn’t make this a suitable location. Also the chosen location doesn’t have an suitable light source which when we filmed our rough practice resulted in there being not enough light inside the tent, which didn’t fit our criteria which was morning light, however we can use some artificial light on the filming day.

Another possible room in Ewhurt Place was the living room which was a well lit room consisting of 3 big windows and a large area of space which will allow many strings to be set up which is better because it will create a spiders web effect. This location consists of a even larger door than the entrance which is good because it creates the idea of a old mansion.

We also looked around Cornhill Manor another boarding house and found a possible location which consists of 2 big windows, which would provide the morning natural light and a old fashion fire place, which gives an old run down feel. We feel that Cornhill is a more appropriate location for our thriller.

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