Thursday 10 January 2013

String ideas

The initial idea of the string trap came from the end of the world idea. The end of the world idea implied the idea that the man was hiding from something and for him to be able to survive he had build a trap to protect the man from what he is hiding from, which would be some sort of possessed animals.

The ideas for the trap:
The trap had to have some sort of sound or trigger attached to send a signal to the man that action was imminent.
The trap would consist of string or a laser beam.

The sound trigger we decided to use is bells because this could suggest an older generation or a newer generation. Also if the bells are slightly rusty it creates the idea that the man has been in hiding for a long time.

We decided to use string instead of laser beams because laser beams are very high tech which suggests the future generations. Also by using a laser beam would be quite challenging to shoot and would be expensive to buy many to create a spider web effect which we are looking to create. The string is a good choice because is it easy to set up as we will have many different lengths coming off from the tent. The string also allows us to attach the bells where as the laser beam wouldn’t be able to attach this sound trigger.

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