Thursday 9 January 2014

Rough Cut evaluation

Editing has too stages which include the rough cut and the final cut. Firstly, during the rough cut, we went through all the footage and decided which shots we wanted and the shots which we didn't, and created several bins, named the different scenes which we had, for example, Band performance, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and living room.

We then dragged the track 'Mardy Bum' onto the timeline, which then allowed us to start the lip sync. The main key was to cut to the beat and when you heard a guitar or the drummer you would insert a shot of them onto the timeline. The order tended to go establishing shot, midshot and then close up. Once the performance cut was complete we could start to add the narrative scenes in between, which was effective as it linked the narrative with the band performance, making the video flow.

Initially during the instrumental we had the idea of the instruments beginning to turn into cardboard and other furniture to turn into cardboard, however when we were cutting and editing the shots together, it didn't look right and didn't fit it, so we decided to remove all the cardboard shots from the video.

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