Wednesday 28 August 2013

Why piracy is perpetuating plastic pop?

The highlight from this article is the fact that the music industry is undergoing a big issue with people copyrighting and illegally downloading music. Massive attacks 3D told the BBC that up too 25,000 per site of the downloads from the unlicensed sites and that if you multiply this throughout the whole world, then all of his profits are gone. This conveys the fact that downloading illegal copies contributes to the failing in companies such as HMV and also the artists themselves. This could also become an issue for big companies such as iTunes in the future.

However, one artist who did stand up was Lilly allen and argued that it was to 'easy' to breach copyright rules online. But this did cause thousands of messages threats to be targeted towards Lilly Allen and this included death threats, which caused her to shut down her website and also inhibited other artists from speaking out.

 Billy Corgan from smashing Pumpkins stated 'commerce starts at the point where people are happy with paying for something – and the fact that technology now allows people to choose to not pay for music has turned music culture into a service culture.'  This shows that now people have the option to not pay for a single, they choose to download the records illegals and think nothing of it.

1 comment:

  1. Francesca
    You have some good blog entries here which demonstrate to me the work that you completed over the summer. You have understood the articles well and blogged your responses well. Can you please also blog your treatments that you submitted to me.. thank you for a great start to the course.
