Wednesday 13 March 2013

Evaluation Task 3:

Evaluation Task 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product?

The production company DNA films would be ideal to distribute our product because the company has worked with some well known producers such as Danny Boyle who produced Slummdog millionaire, Shallow grave, 127 hours. The fact that DNA films is a well known producer makes the company have a higher concept, which would make other countries interested in our thriller product. Vertigo Films is an option however DNA is bigger than Vertigo Films because it has had more hits and Vertigo hasn't produced any similar product whereas DNA films has.

The production of '28 Days Later' was also founded by DNA films, which highlights that fact that DNA films may be the correct media institution to distribute our film because it is a British film set in London and has a similar storyline.

I would say that our product is low concept, however contains some high concept areas such as special effect. The idea of the rest of the film consists of an end of the world apocalypse story and this would include special effects and maybe 3D, so the fact that DNA films has produced some 3D films such as Dredd, also indicates that this would be a suitable suggestion to distribute our product. In Addition, Potentially a Hollywood film studio such as Warner bros could produce our thriller product because it has done similar products with similar storyline such as I am legend.

DNA films is an English company who produced the film '28 days later' which had a budget of 6 million, this is a similar budget which would be appropriate for our product. However, if our budget was the same as the budget for I am Legend which was 150 000 000 our product could be high concept because our thriller focuses on the tent idea and with a huge budget we could expand the end of the world idea and create an apocalypse scene using special effects which would make our film more high concept, but without this our product would be seen as a lower concept. However, DNA films does include some special effects therefore making is a more high concept company, but compared to the film I am legend our thriller is seen as having a reasonably low concept.

Although there are different production companies such as vertigo films, who have produced other thrillers such as Out post and Shrooms. We have chosen DNA films to produce our product because it has produced similar films such as Dredd which contains special effects and although isn't the an end of the world story, the storyline is an idea which could lead to there being an end of the world situation and suggests the same ideas and maybe in the future our story could follow on from the Dredd storyline.
DNA is bigger than vertigo films because it has had more hits.

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