Thursday 14 March 2013

Evaluation Task 4:

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our ideal target audience would be teenagers and young adults aged around 15-21 years because these are the ages which like to go to the cinema to see more scary and heart thrilling viewings.

To find a more specific target group for our thriller i asked our three different people from our primary audience some questions, ranging 15-21 years, all with a different background and general interest to narrow down and see our specific target group and which people are most likely to watch our product. I asked questions related to the peoples other interests such as music to see which other things interest the audience and which relate to our product.

Firstly i questioned a sports man aged 18. From the questioning him i found out that the type of music he likes and listened to is influenced by the top charts, which normally consist of a loud, catchy beat. The sort of TV programmes this person likes to watch is discovery channels, this would be a suitable person for our film because our films opening is based on discovering what§ the man id hiding from. The types of films he would go and see would be interesting films and films which he has heard about from social network and friends. Also thrillers and action films are of an interest to him because they are of interest and have a plot which makes you want to know more and think about the possibilities. I also explained the basic plot and asked them what they think of the idea and he thought that the idea is exciting and likes the fact they dont know whats going to happen at the end. Furthermore i asked which place he is most likely to watch the film and the answer was if the film was longer than 2 hours then he would download the film from itunes and less then 2 hours he would go to the cinema.

Secondly i interviewed a funny upbeat girl who likes shopping. She is interested in the popular top 10 chart music because it is the bestmusic to jam too. She likes to watch TV series because they are exciting and she likes that fact that you have to wait a week till the next one. This same idea imply's to our thriller because it is an end of the world apocalypse story with a plot which is enliched through out the whole film. The types of films she likes to watch are popular Hollywood action films because its exiting packed with excitement and she also likes to watch thrillers when she is with her friends, but not on her own and she doesnt like them to be that scary or she will get nightmares. She likes the sound of our thriller because it sounds exciting and unexpected and she is most likely to go and see it at the cinema with friends.

Thirdly i interviewed a woman from our secondry audience which is 30-35.
What music do I like? Pop music from the 70s, 80s and 90s.
What tv do I watch? Sitcoms, soaps and panel shows.
What types of films do I go and see? Comedy and romantic films.
What do I do with my life? I work as an actor. I like going to the cinema, theatre, comedy clubs, traveling, socializing with friends.
What do I like about the opening sequence? The tension and the mystery it creates. Having a good location helps to create the mystery. Also by moving the camera very slowly creates the tension.
How would I be likely to see the film? I would watch a film at the cinema, on tv or dvd.
Even though her preferable films are  comedy and romantic films, she did enjoy our thriller sequence, which shows that our product may attack other people who don't normally watch films in that category.

From looking at the 28 Days later votes on IMD i can see that the most votes are from people ages under 18 and males under 18. Also with just under 0.1 less voters were the females under 18 and the people aged between 18-29. This shows that 28 days later's target group ages from young adults. This is similar to our thriller, however our secondary audience is 30-35 and from looking at the graph the votes dropped 0.3, Because our thriller is similar to 28 days later and the young adults have voted a high average would convey that the same type of audience would be interested in our thriller.
30-35 secondary

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