Thursday 21 March 2013

Audience Feedback

During one of our media lessons, we had some people who hadn’t seen our thriller sequence view our product and give their feedback on the plot, the strengths ad the improvements. Audience feedback enables us to see how much the audience understood from our opening thriller sequence. It also allows our group to see what needs to be improved and worked one and also shows if the overall reviews were positive or negative.

Some of the reviews realized that the man was living in an‘apocalypse’ and with a last man ‘survivor’ in the world. They also worked out what the strings were being used for, to ‘trap’ and ‘hear’ when people are coming. These ideas are right which shows how we have portrayed the end of the world idea successfully. However, this idea wasn’t so clear to some of the other audience, with people thinking that ‘someone was being trapped’ this shows that we need to work on some shots to make sure that someone isn’t being trapped and that there is a trap to catch the things the other side of the door. The fact that people were making consumptions of what is the other side of the door, such as zombies, aliens and murderers, is good because this shows that our thriller is making the audience question and think about what is happening, this involves the audience more.

Secondly, the strengths allowed us to see the positive comments, which mainly consisted of the title sequence, which was described as consisting ‘artistic shots’ of the strings and the ‘sounds’ to ‘build up the tension.’ The fact that the audience noticed that the string shots and ‘sound’ builds up the tension shows that these areas have been successful in creating the tension where we wanted it to be. Also our editing was highlighted as being good and the reviews mention the titles located around the strings create a ‘professional’ element. Also our lack of sound was commented on making them ‘feel on edge’ this also shows that we have created tension effectively.

The improvements mainly consisted of including more of a ‘quite soundtrack’ and some ‘creepy’ music. However, we didn’t include a soundtrack because we felt to create tension it would be better with no soundtrack and there to be silence, with a small wind sound. Some good comments we that we used ‘slow editing’ on some of the string shots, this is what we could improve on my using faster editing because the slow editing could have resulted in the tension being lost. However, I feel that the long shots created more tension because the audience is waiting and wondering what is going to happen next and rhetorical questions are being asked.

Overall, I feel that the majority of the reviews contain positive comments, but has made me notice that we could have edited a bit more and contained some extra exciting thing, to make it more interesting and to increase the tension.

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