Tuesday 12 March 2013

Evaluation Task 2:

How does your product represent particular social groups?

During our thriller we made the choice to include 1 main character during our opening title sequence, which means we can only talk about 1 social group, which is a 'white male.' In hollywood films the main males roles are dominated by white actors.

The picture of Adam (the main character) standing up doesn't look like he belongs in the environment of an abandoned house with boarded up windows, suggests that he has been on the run and has settled down and been in hide out in the first location he could.

 In I am legend the same situation is presented. Although there is a different racial group I am Legend presents the same ideas, which consist during our thriller The 'Third Circle.' I am Legends opening sequence presents isolation and the majority of the shots are of the main character Will Smith. This same idea is shown during our thriller because all the opening shots from inside of the tent consist of the main character, the hero of the film. For example:
picking up the axe presents him heroically and this presents a white male posistive representation.Even though the main character is outside, it still shows the same idea that there is isolation and he is armed, which suggests that is there a threat. Similar ideas are presented during our thriller. During the rest of the film we had in mind the end of the world Apocalypse storyline again similar ideas to I am legend.

Another example for a Hollywood film which has casted their main characters from white male actors is the film 'Looper.' During there opening sequence trailer there is a shot of a conversation taking place between the two white main characters. The shots are close ups and this links with the extreme close of our characters face in our first few opening shots from inside the tent, these close up shots shows the social side to the product which cosists of a white male main lead.

There is positive representation of socialism because the main male actor is presented in a heroic way and we can only asume it is positive becasue there is one character and there is nothing which can counter the positiveness.

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