Tuesday 17 September 2013

James - Sit Down

This was one of our first ideas for a song, because our concept for this song was strong and unique. This song already has a music video, however we would redo the video because the video is very old fashioned.

The idea:

The main focus would be the bad, dressed in suits but with a female lead singer. There would royal dinning room chairs situated behind the band players and when the chorus of 'sit down' came on half of the band would sit down and the others stand and then swap over. We would also include shots of individuals going a chair dance and then at the end of the video all the individuals would join together to form a line. This shows care and help, which is what the song is about.

We decided not to carry on with this idea, because we feel it is better to choose a song with no music video so that the two videos cant be compared together.

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