Monday 16 September 2013

Main concept ideas

Throughout the lesson we were put into groups and watched some unusual videos which we then discussed.

We watched the video''

Our group really liked the concept of the video being played backwards. We discussed ideas in which we could include this idea.

We came up with the idea of someone who starts off with all their make up on and then when the video starts bit by bit the layers of make up come off. For example: the lipstick would come off lip my lip, and then the mascara, blusher and eyes shadow.

This would be filmed by filming the whole shoot normally and then in the editing room you would swap it round to make it play backwards.

We liked this idea because it is unique and hasn't been done many times before. However, we have to include a performance section of the band in the video and this will not fit with the backwards section. Also it was hard to find a song to fit with this concept because the song needs to be about dressing up and going partying and all the songs like this are new famous songs with big budget videos already.

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