Tuesday 17 September 2013

Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love

 Throughout Leona Lewis's video there are a selection of shots which have inspired some of the ideas which we want to include through out our media video. We like how the shot includes four sections with different scenes taking place in each one, almost like there is being a story told.
 This shot shows the different moods and how they contrast by the use of the lighting.
 Because leona lewis's video is about a break up this shot includes the bars which suggests the person is trapped.
 This shot which i have captured could be used in our video as a transition from one scene to another, i find it effecting how the pan goes from one room to the other.
 This i feel creates a very strong image especially as a opening shot, the fact that each of the different apartment room has a different lighting suggests that each room has a different mood. The way in which this shot includes many windows (squares) reminds me of a dolls house and i would like to include a shot similar to this in my video.
This shot can also be used as a transition shot from high to low.

1 comment:

  1. Good proficient research and planning into your concept - you have worked well to ctach on last week's prep. You would benfit from blogging comments about how these real artist's help inform your own practical ideas and work. Please ensure that you post the treatment and timeline from this week.
