Tuesday 17 September 2013

Polydor Records- Emily Tedrake

Emily Tedrake works for Polydor Records and is a video commissioner in London.

She explained and went through several ways in which the media industry works, the people she has worked with and the process which the treatments are presented. This includes the layout they are sent to her  and all the information this includes. The treatment which we were shown often included a Variety of pictures of the location, main characters and things you want to involve. But other famous well known artist just sent a short word document with there ideas and don't need to prove how good their idea is.

Emily Tedrake is a commissioning editor for Polydor records which is a major record label,  which is a part of Universal Music Group (Time Warner conglomerate). She commissions Music video for music artists (inc the Macabee’s Ellie Gouding, Lana Del Ray), and she put out tender to directors who once selected will submit a treatment.  Emily may have contact 10 clients who may want to shoot, depending on bids/ concept. 
The main information which she informed us with was that the shoots of the videos often take up to 1-2 days and the budget can range from £100-£100,000 depending on the artist and how big the track you are wanting to be and what you want the video to convey to the audience. The process of putting the whole video together often takes up to a month.
Main points:
  • The artist has to be in the video.  They have to promote the star image.
  • Not all artists like narrative based videos.
  • Video are shot on locations and in studios, they need to have permission otherwise you will get kicked off your shoot!!!!!!

  • Each video is a  part of a campaign – tied in with
  • Important to get the image right, particularly the visual image – MV can be the most  important aspect of the marketing campaign.
Some examples which Emily showed us:
Ellie Goulding
Treatment – images used are suggestive of content and theme, but also realistic on behalf of the director.  Uses specific references for the look of the video, specifies location, how are you going to shoot the band, what will props will look like, also considers casting etc for narrative.  Will need to consider weather Ellie have the right star image and styling.  The treatment covers the most important parts.  The director will then storyboard the video – an important visual process in the shooting of the video.
A bog production 70 -100 extras. 12 hour shoot on a military base, needed permission, risk assessments etc needed.  Used location, narrative, performance and lyp sync. 
James Blake -Overgrown.
Overgrown music video
 One of Emily’s  favourite, no visual images to this treatment.  Shot in Los Angeles over two days.  £30,000 budget  & top named director.  Lots done in post-production, highly stylised with lighting.  Cabin built in studio, green screen on windows, uses a time lapse.  Cabin put in hillside in post-production.  Starry sky is post as are the grim reapers.  Use professional backing dancers.  Gets across a fantastic star image and this has to match the music.  Where Ellie had scale energy and colour, James Blake is elegant and simple.
This was extremely beneficial to have a talk from Emily because she is professionally involved in the media industry today.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post on Emily's presentation. You need to edit your comments that you have used from the class notes - there are some type 'o's. When you have the chance to - please allocate some time to blog more decision's made and evidence of your planning into your concept.
